Monday, August 20, 2018

The Language of African Literature - Ngugi Wa Thiong’O

Ngugi Wa Thiong’O ( 

The Language of African Literature 

Ngugi Wa Thiong’O says that he was born into a large family of a farmer. The community was like an extended family. He spoke his native language Gikuyu. Children listened to stories and retold the same to others. People who could make their stories alive and dramatic by using words and images were good storytellers. They used inflexions and tones effectively. He says that children appreciated the magic of words beyond real meanings. They enriched language with the help of puzzles, riddles and proverbs. Homes and farms were their primary schools.

After the Kenyan emergency in 1952, English became the language of education. Students who spoke the native language were humiliated. English was given the most important place n the apartheid pyramid structure of education. Students who couldn’t get better marks in English were made to fail even though they got distinction in all the other subjects. Proficiency in English ensured prominence in the colonial rule. Orature in native languages was stopped and English literature was encouraged. Language and literature took native Africans away from their nativity.

Kenyan languages were equated with backwardness and underdevelopment. Nguigi wanted to fight the colonial intention of detaching native people with nativity. Kenyan children should not grow up hating the tools of communication developed by their own communities and their history. He switched to writing in his mother-tongue of Gikuyu after seventeen years writing in the Afro-European tradition. He believed that writing in native African languages is a part of the anti-imperialistic struggles. He says that colonial alienation takes natives away from reality by distancing the language of daily use. The system separates mind from body and produces a society of headless bodies and bodyless heads.

Ngugi wants to bring back harmony between all the aspects of language and reunite the Kenyan student to the native environment. He wishes to see Kenyan languages carry their literature, culture and social nature. He says the Kenyan student can learn other languages without having any inferior complexes about their own language only after experiencing the richness of native language.

Friday, August 3, 2018

The Road Not Taken - Robert Frost

Two Roads Diverged in a Yellow Wood
The Road Not Taken

In “The Road Not Taken,” the speaker arrives at a place where his path diverges in a yellow wood. He is unable to see what lies ahead. He examines both roads. He thinks one of the roads to be less used. He realizes that perhaps both roads are equally travelled and regrets that he will probably never return to take the other path.

The contradictions continue. He decides to save the first, probably, more travelled route for another day. Then he confesses that he does not think it probable that he will return. This suggests that this seemingly casual and inconsequential choice is really likely to be crucial. It may be one of the choices of life that involves commitment. It may lead away from the traveller forever from the original stopping place. In the end, he picks the one that has seen the least use, concluding that this has made a significant difference in his life.

The speaker thinks of how he will tell about this incident in the future with a sigh. He chooses the road he thinks to be less worn and says “that has made all the difference.”

It looks like a personal poem about a decision of vast importance, but there is evidence to the contrary both inside and outside the poem. (216 words)

Body Language

Body Language

Role of body language in communications:
Body language plays an important role in communication. Body language is the unspoken element of communication that we use to reveal our true feelings and emotions. The element contains our gestures, facial expressions and posture.
Various functions of body language:
With the help of body language, we can understand what others are saying even before they start speaking. Dress code denotes professionalism, seriousness and status. Peoples’ posture shows their confidence and preparedness. Gestures give away information on feelings and thoughts. Gestures reveal a range of emotions from contempt to hostility to approval and affection. The right kind of eye-contact shows confidence levels. Bodily contact communicates power, empathy, modesty and understanding. Elements of Para-language like tope, pitch, tone and volume of speech including pauses and hesitations add additional information.
Students and body language:
Good body language is essential to students as it helps them in creating a positive picture, in establishing trust while dealing with others. It provides smooth communication and avoids misunderstandings. Body language also helps in understanding others effectively and ensures proper behaviour.
The philosophy of body language:
Body language plays a key role in making the first impression. It takes only one-tenth of a second to make a first impression. Though words may carry lies or pass on misinformation, the body never lies. Our actions reveal a lot about ourselves. The way we say something is more important than what we say.
Improving good body language:
In order to improve body language, we need to develop a positive mental attitude and change our value systems. We have to read and follow books on body language. We should be conscious of our body and learn to use our voice effectively, to maintain right eye-contact and to use right kind of gestures.(298 words)

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Positive Mental Attitude

Positive Mental Attitude

What is meant by positive mental attitude? What are the advantages of it?

Positive mental attitude is looking at the bright side of the things. It is looking at the remedy side of any problem. It is about changing our ideas, perceptions and interpretations about things surrounding us. If we change our way of thinking, we can be in control of our lives. We can make the best use of our capabilities and downplay the effects of our shortcomings. Positive mental attitude is the ability to focus our attention on what is right and pleasant. It is willfully ignoring what is wrong and unpleasant. It encourages us to concentrate on what good can happen with our strong determination and confidence.

Positive mental attitude allows us to identify our own flaws and faults. It helps us in minimizing the impact of our weaknesses by understanding ourselves properly. It is not mere daydreaming. It is a calculated psychological weapon which encourages us to face reality and take up challenges in life. It opposes negativity, defeatism and hopelessness. Optimism and hope are vital to the development of positive mental attitude.

We can build a positive mental attitude by believing in ourselves, our skills and our abilities. We have to practice positive visualization and move with positive people. We have to be optimistic as well as realistic and set positive goals. We have to break away from negative thinking and negative habits. We must possess a strong desire to achieve and be successful. We need to believe that we can win.

The advantages of Positive Mental Attitude:
  1. It helps us in getting satisfaction from what we do and what we have
  2. It helps us in attaining success and achieving mental peace.
  3. It makes goal reaching easy and enjoyable.
  4. It helps us to adapt to different situations in life.
  5. It gives us the courage to face problems.
  6. It helps us in motivating ourselves.
  7. It will bring in abundance of good things to our life. 
  8. Positive thinking and an optimistic attitude will turn all our problems into opportunities.