Showing posts with label Words and Expressions -2. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Words and Expressions -2. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Unit 2 of Words and Expressions 2

1. Read the story, ‘His First Flight’ again. Working in groups of four, answer the following questions selecting the correct option.

Q.1. The young seagull was afraid of flying because _________________________________________.

 (a) he felt his wings would not support him

 (b) other bird knew to fly very well

 (c) the sea was very large

 (d) his mother and father threatened him

Answer: a

Q.2. Why did his family taunt him about his cowardice?

 (a) He went with his sisters and brothers.

 (b) He was not listening to them.

 (c) He was not accepting their request to fly with them.

 (d) He was not liked by them at all.

Answer: c

Q.3. How did the young seagull start flying? 

(a) His mother showed him the fish and moved away from him to make him fly.

 (b) His brothers and sisters trained him to fly.

 (c) He was hungry and he moved to fly in search of food.

 (d) He did not learn to fly at all.

Answer: a

Q.4. Which of the following statements is not true of the young seagull?

 (a) He was lazy and did not want to fly.

 (b) He wanted to fly, but was afraid of flying.

 (c) His mother, father, brothers, and sisters helped him fly.

 (d) His hunger made him fly.

Answer: a

Q.5. Say whether the following statements about the seagull are true or false.

 (a) The young seagull liked to fly with his brothers and sisters. ( )

 (b) The young seagull was hungry so he started to fly. ( )

 (c) He was scared of flying first. ( )

 (d) He flew on his own to get the food. ( )


(a) The young seagull liked to fly with his brothers and sisters. (T )

 (b) The young seagull was hungry so he started to fly. (F )

 (c) He was scared of flying first. (T )

 (d) He flew on his own to get the food. (F )


 2. You have another story, ‘The Black Aeroplane’ in the lesson. Read the story again and develop at least five multiple choice questions based on the story. Work in pairs and ask your partner to answer them. The questions may be based on the events, persons, reasons and causes of the events, and results in the story.

Your questions

Choose the right option.

1.The pilot of the black aeroplane was going to _________

a. Paris                  b. London            c. his home town              d. we do not know

The answer is: d

2. The narrator was not an experienced pilot.

a. True                  b. False                 c. He never flew a plane before d. we do not know

The answer is: F

3. What happened when the narrator flew his plane into the stormy clouds?

a. his compass stopped working                b. his radio stopped working       c. it became completely dark    d. all the three

The answer is: d

4. The narrator knew that somebody would help him.

a. Yes                    b. No                     c. we do not know           d. he was not sure

The answer is: b

5. The woman at the reception looked surprised because _______________

a. the narrator said that another plane helped him in landing safely.

b. the narrator had landed safely.

c. it was a stormy night.

d. he asked for English breakfast.

The answer is: a

Reading Comprehension

All about a DogI  - by  A.G Gardiner.

Look Up and Understand

bitterly = Adverb. in an angry, hurt, or resentful way.

embittered = Past Tense. Verb. make (someone) feel bitter or resentful

evidently = Adverb. Clearly

malice = Noun. Wrongful intension

avalanche = Noun. A sudden arrival of something in huge quantities

imperiously = Adverb. dominatingly

imperturbably = Adverb. Calmly, without any excitement

indignant = Adjective. angry

quarterdeck = Noun. Upper part of a ship usually reserved for officers


 1. Making adverbs: bitterly, imperturbably, violently, and evidently are some words you have come across in the story. These are adverbs. A few words are given below. Make adverbs of these words and use them in sentences of your own. (Take care of the spelling when you convert these into adverbs.)

(a) Angry - angrily

(b) Vague - vaguely

(c) Indignant - indignantly

(d) Threatening - threateningly

(e) Hurry - hurriedly

 2. Now, look at the word given below in italic.

He was immovable.

‘im’ is the prefix added to the word ‘movable’. The prefix ‘im’ made ‘immovable’ an antonym of ‘movable’. Now, make more words with the prefix im- which are antonyms.

1. mobile - immobile

2.proper - improper

3. possible - impossible

4. patient - impatient

5. mature - immature

6. polite - impolite

7. passive - impassive

8. moral - immoral

 3. words with prefixes ‘il’ and ‘in’ .


logical - illogical

secure - insecure


legible - illegible

accurate - inaccurate


legal - illegal

adequate - inadequate


legitimate - illegitimate

formal - informal


literate - illiterate

active - inactive


legalese - illegalize

capable - incapable