Showing posts with label Poem appreciation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Poem appreciation. Show all posts

Saturday, February 6, 2021

The River

 Poem appreciation (Answers to the questions given on page no: 87)

1. The river is compared to a child. What are the similarities between the two?

The river is full of energy like a child. It dances over yellow pebbles and passes through flowers and foliage on its way like a child at play.

2. Why does the poet call it ‘swelling river’?

The river seems to grow as it flows on over rocks. It builds up volume as it flows down the mountains. That is why the poet calls it swelling river.

3. How does the sea remind one of eternity?

The sea reminds of eternity as one cannot see the end of the sea. As far as we can see, we can see only water. Thus, the sea reminds us one eternity.

4. ‘The River’ is a poem which describers a river in all its vitality and splendor. Give examples.

The vitality of the river is described by the poet with the usage of words such leaping, brawling and leaping. The poet compares the river with impetuous youth.

On you rush through rough and smooth;

Louder, faster, brawling, leaping,

Over rocks, by rose-banks, sweeping

Like impetuous youth.

The above stanza is an example.

5. Pick out the words which sound like the movement of the river. What effects do these words create?

The different stages and the vitality of the river is described by the poet with the usage of words such as sparkle, glancing, swelling, leaping, brawling and leaping. The poet compares the river with impetuous youth. Words like brimming, and tending are also used.

6. The poet uses various similes. Mention them. Why has the poet made these comparisons?

The poet uses the following similes in the poem, the river. They are like a child at play, like impetuous youth, like mortal prime, and like eternity. This is to show the readers the similarity between human life and the various stages of a river.

7. Does the river and its movement suggest something else to you?

Yes. The river and its movement is suggestive of human life. A river is born like a child and grows as it flows on. It becomes an impetuous youth and then like a mortal prime gets ready to meet the ocean.

Thursday, January 28, 2021

The Plate of Gold


Poem appreciation (Answers for questions given on page no 42)

1. What did God want to test in human beings by sending the amazing gift?

God wanted to reward people who love their fellow beings truly and who do generous and selfless deeds.

2. Why did the plate of gold change into lead the moment people touched it?

The plate of gold changed into lead the moment people touched it because the people who touched it were not the true lovers of their fellow beings.

3. In what hope had all the beggars gathered around the temple gate?

All the beggars gathered around the temple to receive alms from the people who came to the temple hoping that they would get the gift of the gold plate.

4. What does the poet highlight in the attitude of those who freely gave away coins to the poor?

The people who gave away coins to the poor were only showing their generosity. They were not the true lovers of human beings. The poet wants to highlight this kind of attitude of the people who came to the temple in the hope of winning the gold plate. 

5. In God’s eyes, the poor peasant truly deserved the gift of gold. Why?

In God’s eyes the poor peasant deserved the gift of gold truly because he was the true lover of fellow human beings. He wept for their poverty and sat down to comfort one of them. He had not come to win the prize. He didn’t want to show off his generosity.

6. What is the poet trying to tell us through this poem?

Love for our fellow beings is more valuable than any kind of material wealth. Kindness and true love are good qualities we all should possess. We should be like the poor peasant, who is ready to give whatever he has with true love and kindness. This is the point that the poet wants to tell us through this poem.

The Old Wife and the Ghost

Poem appreciation (answers to questions given on page no: 150)

1. On the basis of your reading of the poem, select the best option for the following.

a. What does the ghost do first upon entering the old wife’s kitchen?

i. potters round

ii. bangs pots and pans

iii. eats for the larder

iv. blows up the kitchen fire

b. What was the old woman’s solution to the problem?

i. getting up late

ii. sleeping soundly

iii. getting a rat trap

iv. getting a cat

c. What is the tone of the poem?

i. angry

ii. funny

iii. perplexed

iv. frightened

2. Here’s a summary of the poem. The sentences have been jumbled up. First, fill in the blanks with words or phrases to complete the sentences. Then, number them from 1 to 10 so that the events are in the right sequence.

_____ One bright night, a ghost entered an old woman’s __________.

_____ The ghost ran up and down and screamed _____ ____ ____ ___ ______.

_____ The ghost _____ round in her ____ ____ _______ kitchen.

_____ The old wife slept through it all because ______ _____ _______.

_____ The ghost ran about and _____ _____ the cupboards.

______ The pots and pans went jangle and bang as he _____ __________ ______ all around.

_____ He _____ _____ ____ and bumped on the floor.

_____ At last the old wife woke up and _______ _________ ________ for creating nuisance.

_____ He began to ________ ______ from the larder shelf.

______ The next day the old wife went off to Hitchin and ______ _____ ______ to keep the mice at bay.


1. a. i. potters round b. iv. getting a cat c. ii. funny

2. The first number indicates the sequence.

1. kitchen

8. like a storm at sea

2. pottered round / neat and clean

3. she was deaf

5. peeped into

7. was throwing them

6. rattled the door

9. cursed the mice

10. fetched a cat