Poem appreciation
(Answers for questions given on page no 42)
1. What did God want
to test in human beings by sending the amazing gift?
God wanted to reward people who love their fellow beings
truly and who do generous and selfless deeds.
2. Why did the plate
of gold change into lead the moment people touched it?
The plate of gold changed into lead the moment people
touched it because the people who touched it were not the true lovers of their
fellow beings.
3. In what hope had
all the beggars gathered around the temple gate?
All the beggars gathered around the temple to receive alms
from the people who came to the temple hoping that they would get the gift of
the gold plate.
4. What does the
poet highlight in the attitude of those who freely gave away coins to the poor?
The people who gave away coins to the poor were only
showing their generosity. They were not the true lovers of human beings. The
poet wants to highlight this kind of attitude of the people who came to the
temple in the hope of winning the gold plate.
5. In God’s eyes,
the poor peasant truly deserved the gift of gold. Why?
In God’s eyes the poor peasant deserved the gift of gold
truly because he was the true lover of fellow human beings. He wept for their
poverty and sat down to comfort one of them. He had not come to win the prize.
He didn’t want to show off his generosity.
6. What is the poet
trying to tell us through this poem?
Love for our fellow beings is more valuable than any kind
of material wealth. Kindness and true love are good qualities we all should
possess. We should be like the poor peasant, who is ready to give whatever he
has with true love and kindness. This is the point that the poet wants to tell
us through this poem.